I’m going to assume 2 things about you.
1. You're tired of reading basic "about me's" on portfolios.
2. You’re in dire need of a foot massage.
I can’t help you with 2, but I’ll try to make this interesting.
I’m not going to tell you how great of a copywriter I am.
Or that “I’ll make you money with my words.”
Or that “I’m a dynamic and innovative writer who makes award-winning 360 creative campaigns on command.”
Let’s throw the clichés out the window, shall we?
Instead, I’m here to tell you the truest thing I can say about myself.
Give me 60 seconds and I’ll show you why I’m the most existential copywriter out there.
Watch the video below. Or don’t. Life goes on, I guess.
Places that let me make things
Apple - Interactive Copywriter - Jan 2024 - Present
Apple - Interactive Copywriter, Orchard Program - Feb 2023 - December 2023
The Snow Agency - Copywriter - June 2022 - Jan 2023
Tulane University - Student - 2018 - 2022